We have a few different dashboards you may be trying to access.
If your candidate dashboard login page looks like this:
No worries! Just follow the steps below:
- Click the ‘Forgot Username or Password?’ link.
- Select the ‘I don’t know my password’ button.
- Enter your username and click ‘Continue’.
- A passcode will automatically be sent to your email address.
- Either enter the passcode received in your email or alternatively select ' Answer security question'.
- You will now be asked to create a new password.
Alternatively, if your candidate dashboard login page looks like this:
No worries! Just follow the steps below:
- Click the ‘Forgot your password'?’ link.
- Enter your email address and as long as you have an account created, an email will be sent to the email address registered on your account.
- Check your email inbox for the reset password email. Please check your junk mail as it may be in there.
- Follow the link in the email to reset your password.